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Childhood is the time when kids have countless opportunities for play. Children are the happiest when they are engrossed in play that can happen in different forms, such as imitating the family members, playing with toys, or playing outdoor games like tag, hide-and-seek or simply running. Children can improve their motor skills; enhance their power of imagination and creativity by indulging in play.

The play-way method is a flexible one based on a child’s interest and aptitude. It is unplanned and thus encourages complete freedom of expression. This method rules out grading or marking kids based on parameters, say, for example, home assignments. Instead, the teachers assess the skills and aptitude of the child, and communicate their assessments to the parents from time to time.

At the preschool level, the play-way method or learning through play is a very popular methodology of imparting education to children. Children step out of their home and familiar surroundings to be and learn among a different set of people, who include kids and teachers.Various aspects of a child’s development such as physical, psychological, intellectual, and development of motor skills are enhanced .

5 Basic Preschool and Play Principles

  • Doing things practically helps in easy learning.
  • An atmosphere of freedom is conducive to learning.
  • Learning should be related to life and not to books.
  • The method should suit the needs and interest of the child.
  • Ample opportunities for children to express themselves.

Advantages- Play-way Method helps children develop the following aspects.

  • Language
  • Logical
  • Physical
  • Aesthetic
  • Creative
  • Social

Play-way is a means of the subjective and emotional development of the child, that is, development in terms of intellect, skills and feelings. Play-way method is structured on activity-based learning. It encourages creative skills and self-expression. Playing is the predominant factor in this method. It gives confidence to children while also enhancing their learning abilities.

Motor skills are physical abilities or capacities.

Gross motor skills, which include running, jumping, hopping, turning, skipping, throwing, balancing, and dancing, involve the use of large bodily movements.

Fine motor skills, which include drawing, writing, and tying shoelaces, involve the use of small bodily movements.

At Mother’s Genius children are given ample activities and opportunities to develop these skills.

Pre-school children have a greater understanding of the world around them by this stage. Their cognitive development (also known as intellectual development and thinking skills) continues to increase during this period. The ability to learn new skills, understanding concepts, begins to make sense of current events, solve problems and use of memory steadily improves. They begin to interpret the meanings of their experiences and they also have a vivid imagination.

Here at Mother’s Genius numerous activities such as:-

  • Identifying objects in
  • Simple stories, rhymes and songs.
  • Looking through books.
  • Handling of educational material and toys.
  • Playing with sand, water, dough; exploring what these materials can do more and making things with them.
  • Engaging in make belief and pretend play.
  • Recognizing similarities and differences.
  • Imitating rhythms and animal movements.
  • Completing simple puzzles and playing simple board games.
  • Enjoying drawing pictures

Language development includes children understanding more and more of what is said to them.

Children will understand one-step and two-step instructions, as long as they’re about things they already know – for example, ‘Pick up yourtoys and put them in the box’ or ‘Come over here and have your tiffin’.They might still find it hard to follow instructions about unfamiliar objects or tasks, especially because at school English is their second language.

At Mother’s Genius, the children overcome this hurdle as abundant opportunities are provided to improve their communication skills. Language and literacy skills refer to a child’s ability to communicate and connect with others through listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Preschoolers spend much of their time in fantasy play. They are starting to move past “parallel play” — when children play alongside each other rather than with each other — and are beginning to actively engage with other children.At this age, play is more focused on make-believe than on toys or games. Preschoolers love to construct elaborate scenarios and assign each other roles to play. Going grocery shopping or going to the ATM may seem mundane to you, children probably find these chores fascinating and may mimic them in their make-believe play.
This area of development involves learning to interact with other people, and to understand and control their own emotions. The process of learning to communicate, share, and interact with others takes many years to develop.
Through role play, celebrations of events, stage exposure, outdoor trips, nature walksand instilling a sense of confidence and cooperation, we here at Mother’s Genius nurture their Socio-Emotional Development.

Books and jigsaws puzzles are one of the best means which aid in the learning process. Children benefit immensely by the use of these two learning tools. Mother’s Genius ensures a steady supply of these to enhance quick learning that lasts.

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